This past weekend was Memorial Day and everyone couldn’t be more excited. It was an extra special day due to the fact my parent’s recently bought a gorgeous piece of property on Lake Martin. This would be our first official holiday enjoying it together as a family. The car was loaded with everything we needed. The corn toss game, bad mitten set, bubble wands, large water inflatables ready for the boat, board games, movies, smores, and of course a large cooler packed full of yummy food. Excitement was in the air! We rode to the lake in swimsuits and sun glasses with the roof top down and the radio up!


On our way there we heard that Mountain Dew had sponsored twenty coolers full of unknown treasure and had positioned each of them somewhere across the 44,000 acre lake. At this point, among hearing the news, the kids were for lack of better words, “freaking out.” What’s interesting about children is that they never rarely doubt or bother themselves with the odds. If you tell them reindeers fly or a big, fat man in a red suit is coming down a chimney to bring them presents, they believe you. It never crossed the kids’ minds to statistically measure their probability of finding a winning cooler. They were on a mission. No more ring toss or water gun squirting. They had to find that treasure!

As soon as we arrived at the lake, the kids shoved down their lunch and began lathering themselves in sunscreen which by the way was a first. All of this was of course done in their desperate attempt to get to the boat as swiftly as possible.

Before long we had set sail on our “hot” ride, the borrowed pontoon boat Poppy had loaned us for the day. Off we went! The first hour or so was indeed adventurous. We enthusiastically rode the big waters and often side tracked into small coves looking for coveted treasure. Although Riley, our twelve year old, and Kate, our six year old, were excited about finding the treasure, it was Jack, our ten year old, who had really taken this particular mission to heart. From the moment we got on the boat he was front and center. Whereas normally, he takes his shiny, white-skinned, freckled body and sits under the shade at the back of the boat, today he was at the bow of the ship watching and ready with an eagle’s eye.

A couple of hours into our boat ride and after much searching with weariness creeping upon us all, we saw a shiny object that appeared like a flashing, blue light calling for us in the distance. As we made our way to it and the cheering, high fives, and hugging had made there way around the boat, our celebration was brought to an abrupt stop. It became clear the glistening object was a set of silver, birthday balloons that had gotten tangled in the brush along side the water and was reflecting the light from the sun.

It’s never a pleasant experience to watch your child experience disappointment. I watched as Jack’s head began to sink farther into his life jacket. The realization that it was time to return to the cabin and the treasure had not been found was overtaking him. Jack could barely bring himself to smile or enjoy the fun taking place around him. I knew exactly how he felt. He was facing that moment in life after you’ve prayed for something to happen, believed for it with all your heart, never displayed an inch of doubt, and yet still came up emptied handed. An answered prayer no where to be found, a closed door, a reply from the heavens saying, “No, that treasure was not meant for you.”

Seeing Jack in this state of mind, I made by way beside him. At this point he had left the front of the boat where he had been playing with his brother and sister and was sitting in his usual spot on the back cushion. I placed my arms around him and said, “Jack, never let an unanswered prayer change your position or move you to the ‘back of the boat.’ The boat represents your life. These waters are the Spirit that carry you. You must learn to


You must trust the Spirit is guiding you to the treasure that is meant for you. In the meantime, when we mourn what we do not have, we position ourselves at the back of the boat, where we are unable to take in the view and see all the beauty that is surrounding us. We miss the opportunities and the gifts being given along the journey. We miss the laughter, the joy, the fellowship, and the awe and wonder of the sites and discoveries we make along the way. Therein lies the true treasures we often do not recognize because we are too attached to the outcome and the object of our desire. When we chase the pot at the end of the rainbow we often miss enjoying the mesmerizing beauty of the rainbow itself. We often miss the message the rainbow came to deliver.

It wasn’t long till we were back at the cabin and Jack was back to his silly self again swinging in the hammock with his siblings, laughing and playing, and enjoying the simple pleasures. I found it quite amazing that when he detached from needing to find the treasure, he BECAME a treasure for all to enjoy, especially his Mama.


Later in the evening when we returned home, Jack came into my room. He sat down on the arm of my chair and said, “Mom, you know that game I really wanted? I began downloading it over a week ago but something hasn’t been working right with it. When we left for the lake it was still only at 15% after waiting patiently an entire week for it to be ready to play.”

With the biggest grin on his face he continued, “Guess what just happened?! When I went upstairs just now, it was at 100% and was ready to play! I’ve been thinking about the treasure I asked God to help me find today. I really don’t even know what was in it. It could have been just a bunch of Mountain Dews and I don’t really even like Mountain Dew. It probably had a bunch of gift cards to places I don’t even like. But coming home to this game was God answering my prayer for treasure. It’s what I really wanted. I guess God answered my prayer after all.”

I turned to Jack and said, “You know, it’s the doors God shuts in our lives that redirect us to the ones that are meant for us to walk through. And when God opens a door for you, no man can shut it. If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door. It’s not what is in your highest good. God conspires with the entire Universe to bring to you what is truly the very best for you. He knows what will ultimately make you the happiest.

When you’re riding your boat called life, trust the “waters.” Trust the Spirit that is carrying you and enjoy the journey along the way. When we fail to appreciate the treasures along the way, it’s as if we’re allowing pirates to come and steal what we already have.

Never allow anyone, any circumstance, any unanswered prayer, or any delayed outcome mentally move you to the back of the boat. You are destined to stand tall, front and center with hands in the air so that you are open to see and receive all the many blessings God wants to deposit in your life. Don’t be left with MISSING TREASURE. Recognize the gems you have already been given and anticipate the treasure that awaits!

Happy Hunting!

~ Misti Rains Howell
