when praying

I use to pray with a focus on my problem and the issue that warranted my prayer. Now, when I sit in prayer, my attention has shifted from focusing on the problem to asking for the right remedy. With that mindset, I open myself to the Spirit guiding and giving me the right solutions.

I don’t tell my Creative Father how ill I am or that I have a brain tumor in the middle of my brain stem that needs healing. Instead, I concentrate on the Power I am receiving immediately into my condition. I then give thanks for my swift recovery and then…

I believe in it.

When I ‘give thanks’ I am accepting, acknowledging, believing, and impressing on my own consciousness the realization that my prayer now lies with the Father and is being ‘processed’ for visible manifestation in due course at the right time. I then live in a state of thanksgiving for the work before it is accomplished.

If after praying I then went out and told people how awful I felt or how terrible my personal situation was I would be undoing the work the Father was engaged in. If I have asked God to solve my health problem, would I not be insulting him by bringing up past negative conditions?

If in my mind, after prayer, the old conditions have not become past negative conditions, then I return to prayer until I can dismiss them from my mind and really believe that all is being divinely taken care of – right that minute. I then return again and again to give thanks for the benefits I have asked for. In this mindset, I believe and have witnessed them surely materialize.

The Message: Abandon fears, they have availed you nothing. Turn to the Father Creator – as the SOURCE OF YOUR BEING, conception, growth, development, nutrition, regeneration, healing, fulfillment of every need, and protection. Realize that all this wonderful work is constructive, purposeful, and orderly.

You truly have a MASTER MIND behind you, your family and living conditions. TRUST IT.

Do not allow your thinking to spoil the Divine Creative Operation!

Misti Rains Howell
