I spent my whole life seeing images of the Star of Bethlehem draped atop nativity scenes signifying the birthplace of Christ. As with most treasures searched for in my life, I was always looking up and out for a sign of direction yet failing to look within where lied a glorious kingdom and a magnificent Christ. It was when I looked for Christ and connected to this Spirit in my heart that I felt a surge of unconditional love fanning a fire that already burned there. Today I feel it burning even more brightly and have to come to realize that this is the true star of Bethlehem that led me to the birthplace of Christ.

If the birthplace of Christ was written in the stars perhaps WE ARE THOSE STARS giving Light to the world. Could it be this treasure, this place of birthing the Christ, was written upon the tablet of our hearts? Are we indeed the great City on a Hill? Perhaps like the stars, our Light cannot be hidden. Perhaps as the Christ was in this world so are we. I have always looked to the stars and thought it was they that lit up the sky. Perhaps I was wrong.

Today I feel Bethlehem in my heart, a place where Christ is born. Who among the wise would search in such a place? Was I the wiseman crossing the desert of this wayward world in search for a Saving Grace?

“For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.”

I ponder.

Within my heart? The birthplace of Christ? Is this what it means to be among the wise? If so, then indeed I bring my gifts of gratitude for where this journey has brought me.

Shine bright, sacred Star. May we burn bright in our splendid Oneness. May we be as a guiding light showing others the way to the birthplace of Christ. May they see our Light and this sacred birthplace as did you, nestled tenderly within the treasure of mankind’s beating heart.

~ Misti Rains Howell

Journal Entry 11-30-2016