Dedicated to my precious three, Riley, Jack, & Kate:
You’re going to go through some tough moments in life. Unfortunately, there’s just no way of avoiding this. I wish I could protect you from them, but to do so is simply impossible, not to mention would be an incredible disservice to your spiritual, mental, and emotional growth. This is why God allows us to endure some of the trials we encounter. There is meaning behind the madness. Give it time. The more you choose to rise above life’s hurdles with choices rooted in love, you will begin to see the evidence of gold threads being woven throughout the fabric of your heart. Your heart will begin to feel illuminated, free, and sparkly. Your darkness will be omitted. Your heart will radiate with a carefree Light that keeps you feeling light on your toes with a readiness to leap for the next adventure life brings your way.
Some of the hardest, most gold-rendering moments for your soul revolve around overcoming the rejection you feel from others. You’re going to experience this at some point guaranteed, so I want to do my very best to prepare you for how to handle it. In life, this can begin early. You might be on the playground and begin to notice the friend you had hoped would play with you is now playing with someone else. Perhaps you weren’t invited to a spend-the-night-party you heard about that took place over the weekend, and you weren’t included.
Rejection breeds insecurity, the quiet killer of a soul destined to sparkle. When we don’t feel included in some form or fashion, a lot of people have a tendency to begin doubting themselves. If your boyfriend breaks up with you or if your friend stops calling you, these are examples of major crossroads in your spiritual growth. Choose wisely! You can either look at these moments as reflections of your character, begin to second guess your value, and measure yourself as less than enough. Or you can see these events as opportunities to feel more empowered than ever before. How can you feel more when someone has rejected a part of you be that your ideas or the significant offering of your love and friendship?
The first thing you must understand is energy. As your energy changes, so can your relationships. Have you ever noticed how people give off different types of energy? For instance, the lady at the drive-through window who never smiles, who seems irritated when you ask for an extra package of sauce, and who basically gives off a vibe that she hates her job and hates her life. Have you ever paid attention to how you may start to feel irritated just by being around her? Her energy started affecting you. You may even start to feel mad or angry. This is because we can be affected by the energy of other people. This is why it’s very important to choose who you allow around you very wisely. But if your energy matches her energy, meaning you carry the same emotions she does on a daily basis, then her attitude wouldn’t bother you at all, because the two of you would be a perfect match.
Now think about someone you know that is always full of joy and radiates positivity and happiness. Maybe it’s the lady that you see greet you on your way into school or the kind man at the checkout counter that bags your groceries, or maybe it’s the lady at the bank window that is always excited to see you. Notice the difference in how you feel when you are around someone that is bubbly and happy, someone that asks you about your family and that always has something positive and encouraging to say. If you match on the inside how they feel on the inside, you will gravitate towards them. You will want to be around them. They will serve as a reflection of what you are attempting to achieve in your life, and you will want more of that. But if you are full of anger, resentfulness, and have become good at being pessimistic, continuously pointing out all the negatives in the world around you, then that little Ray of Sunshine you keep running into might irritate the heck out of you. This is because the two of you are serving as opposites repelling one another. Think about a magnet; north attracts north and south attracts south. You attract that which you are.
With the above wisdom, trust that if someone is not drawn to connect with you, you are not meant to connect with them. Let them go. You may be saving yourself from forcing a relationship that would be energetically harmful to you. Accept the overall plan the Divine has orchestrated for your life. Those meant to stick will stick. Those meant to fall off, let them fall off. Don’t try to push yourself into a place or stay stuck somewhere or with someone when Divine Intelligence is trying to create a shift in your life. Remain in a constant state of thanksgiving for both your gains and your losses. Trust God. Trust the Universe has a divinely orchestrated plan for your journey here in this life. Express gratitude even if someone betrays or walks away from you. You are no longer a match to this person anymore; therefore, ultimately, you could be the one unknowingly pushing them away. Perhaps you want to grow spiritually or evolve to a higher state of love and light, and yet they are unwilling to release negative energies that have a grip on them. Maybe they are still judging others, are still bitter about things that have happened to them, and are unwilling to forgive another. Maybe they are unwilling to forgive and be kind to themselves. If you are in a space of healing all these things, then you will no longer resonate energetically with this person anymore. If one day they suddenly reject you, give thanks! It just means you have released all those things within yourself and have made more room in your life for people that are of the same mind and heart. When you change, the reality around you will also change, including your relationships. People will either grow with you, or you will outgrow people.
Don’t feel rejection when you’ve been left out. Instead, feel acceptance. You are merely accepting something better for yourself. The Universe may have seen it fit to give you a gift, that of time alone with yourself. Your greatest growth will come from moments spent with yourself processing and meditating on your experiences. Your experiences are like eating a meal. Your time alone is when you digest the meal that you’ve consumed. Use it wisely to learn from your circumstances. And never take any of them too seriously. Your time alone should include wonderment, play, laughter, and the innocent curiosity of a carefree and gleeful child. If you’re given a prolonged season of feeling alone, it is only because your soul has asked for more growth. Allow for your sprouting. You’re becoming you, and you’re getting to know who that person is. This will allow you to build relationships with people that complement the highest and best version of all that you are because you will have spent time getting to know who that is and you will be able to recognize those similar qualities in others.
As you grow up, keep in mind that rejection can come in many forms. For example, you might feel rejection because you’re not as skinny as your friends, and that makes you reject a part of who you are at that moment in your journey. It may cause you to wish that you looked like someone else, and in doing so, you begin to reject the unique beauty by which God has sculpted you. You begin to place your value and worth on the external measuring of others around you. You begin to compare yourself to them and instead of embracing and celebrating all that you are, you begin to change to dress like, become like, and look like someone else. In doing so, you are rejecting your own cute, quirky, magic that God has specifically given you to woo and wow this world. In doing so, you begin to lose pieces of yourself as you give them away to the world’s idea of what your standard of beauty should be. Your happiness begins to fade because you are no longer in alignment with the truth – the truth of who you are destined to be, not who everyone else is destined to be.
Never reject yourself. To reject yourself is to reject the Creator that lies within you. Remain in a constant state of gratitude for all that you are. You have been divinely molded and specifically shaped to fulfill the mission of your soul. The way you smile, the sound of your voice, the specific sparkle in your eyes, and the way you move your hands – all of these things are but a few of the many things about you that have been intricately chosen in divine wisdom to help you fulfill that which you came here to complete. You are tailored made and have been given everything you need to achieve the greatest version of all that you are destined to become. Embrace it. Embrace you!
Jealously is nothing but a lapse of memory. It means you have forgotten who you are for however long you allow yourself to be jealous of another. Know thyself. Understand what this means. When you know who you are, you will never be jealous again. Why would you be jealous of something you can have and that is available to you at any time? Better stated, why would you be jealous of something that already belongs to you? You already have access to that which you desire. Create it. Bring it forth. Release it. Recognize your union and oneness with the Divine. Acknowledge the abundance available to you and your creative ability to generate anything you need. The Universe is not lacking. There is enough for everyone. It is ever-expanding with an abundant supply of all that you need. Ask, believe, and receive it!
The main reason people don’t have their prayers answered is because they do not really believe that they will be. Don’t just have faith in God. Have trust in Him. The most powerful form of prayer is thanksgiving.
“For even before you ask, I have already given it unto you.” Matthew 6:8
Thanksgiving is knowing that our Infinite Creator has provided for you as He promised, and it’s being grateful for that provision even before you see the results. The more you trust in your Creator, the more results you will get. Life gives you what you expect you’ll receive because all thought is creative. If you wake up expecting to have a bad day, more often than not, that’s precisely what you’ll get. But remember that it works both ways.
What’s happening inside you is important. Life is always about more than we think that it is. Fly up, Little Eagle, and take in the landscape of your life from a higher viewpoint.
From rejected to accepted is only a matter of perspective.
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